About Us

2018 Cameron First Christian Church
Russ and Theresa Hamilton


Curious about what we do at
Cameron First Christian Church?
This should help…

When you enter our building you will join, on average, 120 others who are growing (or seeking) a relationship with God through the grace and forgiveness of our Savior, Jesus. The worship service includes three hymns, which are accompanied mostly by piano (occasionally by the organ). We strive to include at least one contemporary Christian song, which is broadcast through the four large monitors in the sanctuary. Words to hymns are project on monitors, and hymnals are also available.

YOUTH: We invite children of all ages to worship, and we also offer a staffed nursery for infants and small children. Our pastor offers a special message for the children at the front of the church ~  following the message, children return to their family until it’s time for “Kingdom Kids.” Kingdom Kids leave the sanctuary during the pastor’s message and go to a classroom or the fellowship hall for an age-appropriate message, video, craft and often a snack. This time is for grade-school children, older youth are encouraged to remain in the sanctuary for the sermon.


Our pastor presents a weekly message based on the Word of God, the Bible. Messages offer real and practical wisdom and guidance for growing in relationship with Christ as we live out our everyday lives at home, work, school, etc. The message is also broadcast live each week through our congregation’s Facebook Page and YouTube Channel.

Each week we gather at the Lord’s Table for Communion. Everyone who accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior is welcome to receive communion. Communion is passed through the pews by the deacons and each person takes two small cups: the bread (Body of Christ) is in the lower cup, and the grape juice (representing Christ’s blood, which was shed for the forgiveness of our sin). Each person holds their cups until everyone is served and then our pastor leads us in receiving the communion elements together.

We also have a time of offering during which everyone who wishes to give to the work of the church places their gift in the tray as it is passed. As our guest, please do not feel obligated to give an offering. Please give only if you led by the Lord to do so.

Following the worship service many people make time to visit with new and old friends in the gathering area just outside the sanctuary. Please feel free to stay and visit with our pastors and others!

We hope this brief overview will help you (and your family) to feel more comfortable when you walk through the doors and meet us for the first time. We look forward to spending time in worship and fellowship with you! ~ Pastors Russ & Theresa Hamilton